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Why is it important for preschoolers to be active?

Cognitive skills are critical but so is your preschooler’s physical health and development. Nurturing active young bodies and minds lays the foundation for lifelong success. Let’s look at some of the key reasons why it’s essential for little ones to remain physically active.

Supports Healthy Growth and Development

The preschool years see rapid physical growth and motor skill progression needed for self-help skills, sports and activities. Muscle strength, coordination, balance, and flexibility are honed through running, jumping, dancing, and playing. The best pre-k programs support children’s overall development by providing ample outdoor time for active play and even structured physical activities through PE classes. Encouraging physical activity not only supports growth but also helps maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of associated health issues.

Enhances Cognitive Functions

Did you know that exercise boosts brain development too? Research by the University of Nevada shows physical activity improves preschoolers’ memory retention, concentration skills, and the ability to follow directions. When children’s bodies move, oxygen and blood flow to the brain increases stimulating neuron growth. The best pre-k programs incorporate active play into the curriculum to foster learning.

Teaches Social Skills

Interactive play and games require following rules, taking turns, cooperating, and getting along. Whether at school or home, interactive physical games provide opportunities for preschoolers to build bonds, develop empathy, manage emotions and develop self-regulation. The best pre-k programs foster friendships through activities like relay races, parachute games, follow the leader, dancing, and outdoor exploration. Nurturing social competence through these kinds of activities help children transition smoothly into kindergarten classrooms.

Instills Habits for a Lifetime

Children who are active when they’re young are more likely to maintain an active lifestyle when they grow up. That’s why the best pre-k program emphasizes the enjoyment of physical activities. Whether you enroll your child in preschool or keep them at home during their early years, it is important to maintain them active to support lifelong health.

In addition to mastering ABCs and 123s, promoting active and socially engaged children matters just as much. When choosing a preschool, make sure it emphasizes wholesome development. According to USA Facts, about 50% of America’s three and four-year-olds are currently enrolled in preschool. If you’re ready to get your child into the best pre-k program that offers active play for children, call or email The Learning World Academy today.

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